Earnest Pugh Inspires Hope with "Don't Give Up"

Houston-based Earnest Pugh releases his latest single, "Don't Give Up." The song is the featured single on two projects in 2024. The chart-topping R& B Love Mountain movie soundtrack as well as Pugh's 12th CD Project, Worthy Is The Lamb.
According to Pugh, "I was inspired to write the song after I reviewed the Love Mountain movie script and became acquainted with my role (Elliot) as the father of 4 children who were navigating challenging relationships. As a family, our main kitchen-table discussion centered around navigating life's ups and downs with an understanding that giving up is not an option."
Kerry Douglas, Executive Producer and CEO of Blacksmoke Music Worldwide who has been responsible for Pugh's career for nearly 20 years stated, "I initially enlisted Earnest as an actor in the Love Mountain film, but when I saw his character unfold and evolve, I challenged him to score/sing a song commensurate to his role in the movie and he nailed it!"
The upbeat foot-stomping song was produced by Aaron Carter and is available on all digital platforms. Catch Earnest in a city near you during his Spring promotional events.
Listen to the song HERE.